Ferdinand Schulz


Department of Physics
University of Basel
Klingelbergstrasse 82
CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland

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tel: +41 61 267 37 31

Research interests

Transport measurements in topological systems, Majorana fermions, Proximity effects of superconductivity

Short CV

Since July 2018: PhD student in the Condensed Matter Theory & Quantum Computing Group at the University of Basel, Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Jelena Klinovaja and Prof. Dr. Daniel Loss
2016 — 2018: Master of Science in Physics, University of Würzburg
Master's thesis: "Transport measurements in bilayer hybrid structures based on quantum spin Hall systems", Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Björn Trauzettel
2012 — 2016: Bachelor of Science in Physics, University of Würzburg
Bachelor's Thesis: "ABJ-Anomaly in Weyl Semimetals", Supervisors: Stefan Walter and Prof. Dr. Björn Trauzettel


Show all abstracts.

1.  Majorana bound states in topological insulators with hidden Dirac points
Ferdinand Schulz, Kirill Plekhanov, Daniel Loss, and Jelena Klinovaja.

2.  Voltage-tunable Majorana bound states in time-reversal symmetric bilayer quantum spin Hall hybrid systems
F. Schulz, J. C. Budich, E. G. Novik, P. Recher, and B. Trauzettel
Phys. Rev. B 100, 165420 – 2019; arxiv:1904.07166