Christina Psaroudaki
ContactDepartment of PhysicsUniversity of Basel Klingelbergstrasse 82 CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland
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Show all abstracts.1. | Quantum Brownian Motion of a Magnetic Skyrmion |
Christina Psaroudaki, Pavel Aseev, and Daniel Loss. Phys. Rev. B 100, 134404
Within a microscopic theory, we study the quantum Brownian motion of a skyrmion in a magnetic insulator coupled to a bath of magnonlike quantum excitations. The intrinsic skyrmion-bath coupling gives rise to an effective mass for the skyrmion, which remains finite down to zero temperature due to the quantum nature of the magnon bath. We show that the quantum version of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem acquires a nontrivial temperature dependence. As a consequence, the skyrmion mean-square displacement is finite at zero temperature and has a fast thermal activation that scales quadratically with temperature, contrary to the linear increase predicted by the classical phenomenological theory. The effects of an external oscillating drive which couples directly to the magnon bath are investigated. We generalize the standard quantum theory of dissipation and we show that the external drive generates a time-periodic term linear in the skyrmion velocity, and a time-periodic magnus force correction, which are both absent in the static limit. The skyrmion response function inherits the time periodicity of the driving field and is thus enhanced and lowered over a driving cycle. Finally, we provide a generalized version of the nonequilibrium fluctuation-dissipation theorem valid for weakly driven baths.
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2. | Spin liquid fingerprints in the thermal transport of a Kitaev-Heisenberg ladder |
Alexandros Metavitsiadis, Christina Psaroudaki, and Wolfram Brenig. arXiv:1806.02344
We identify fingerprints of a proximate quantum spin-liquid (QSL), observable by finite- temperature dynamical thermal transport within a minimal version of the idealized Kitaev model on a two-leg ladder, if subjected to inevitably present Heisenberg couplings. Using exact diagonalization and quantum typicality, we uncover (i) an insulator-conductor crossover induced by fracton recombination at infinitesimal Heisenberg coupling, (ii) low- and high-energy signatures of fractons, which survive far off the pure QSL point, and (iii) a non-monotonous current life-time versus Heisenberg couplings. Guided by perturbation theory, we find (iv) a Kitaev-exchange induced “one-magnon” contribution to the dynamical heat transport in the strong Heisenberg rung limit.
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3. | Skyrmions Driven by Intrinsic Magnons |
Christina Psaroudaki and Daniel Loss. Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 237203 (2018)
We study the dynamics of a skyrmion in a magnetic insulating nanowire in the presence of time-dependent oscillating magnetic field gradients. These ac fields act as a net driving force on the skyrmion via its own intrinsic magnetic excitations. In a microscopic quantum field theory approach we include the unavoidable coupling of the external field to the magnons, which gives rise to time-dependent dissipation for the skyrmion. We demonstrate that the magnetic ac field induces a super-Ohmic to Ohmic crossover behavior for the skyrmion dissipation kernels with time-dependent Ohmic terms. The ac driving of the magnon bath at resonance results in a unidirectional helical propagation of the skyrmion in addition to the otherwise periodic bounded motion.
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4. | Quantum Dynamics of Skyrmions in Chiral Magnets |
Christina Psaroudaki, Silas Hoffman, Jelena Klinovaja, and Daniel Loss. Phys. Rev. X 7, 041045 (2017)
We study the quantum propagation of a Skyrmion in chiral magnetic insulators by generalizing the micromagnetic equations of motion to a finite-temperature path integral formalism, using field theoretic tools. Promoting the center of the Skyrmion to a dynamic quantity, the fluctuations around the Skyrmionic configuration give rise to a time-dependent damping of the Skyrmion motion. From the frequency dependence of the damping kernel, we are able to identify the Skyrmion mass, thus providing a microscopic description of the kinematic properties of Skyrmions. When defects are present or a magnetic trap is applied, the Skyrmion mass acquires a finite value proportional to the effective spin, even at vanishingly small temperature. We demonstrate that a Skyrmion in a confined geometry provided by a magnetic trap behaves as a massive particle owing to its quasi-one-dimensional confinement. An additional quantum mass term is predicted, independent of the effective spin, with an explicit temperature dependence which remains finite even at zero temperature.
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5. | Spin and magnetothermal transport in the S = 1/2 XXZ chain |
Christina Psaroudaki and Xenophon Zotos. J. Stat. Mech. (2016) 063103
We present a temperature and magnetic field dependence study of spin transport and magnetothermal corrections to the thermal conductivity in the spin S = 1/2 integrable easy-plane regime Heisenberg chain, extending an earlier analysis based on the Bethe ansatz method. We critically discuss the low temperature, weak magnetic field behavior, the effect of magnetothermal corrections in the vicinity of the critical field and their role in recent thermal conductivity experiments in 1D quantum magnets.
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6. | Effective S=1/2 description of the S=1 chain with strong easy plane anisotropy |
Christina Psaroudaki, Jacek Herbrych, Jiannis Karadamoglou, Peter Prelovsek, Xenophon Zotos, and Nikos Papanicolaou. Phys. Rev. B 89, 224418 (2014)
We present a study of the one-dimensional S=1 antiferromagnetic spin chain with large easy plane anisotropy, with special emphasis on field-induced quantum phase transitions. Temperature and magnetic field dependence of magnetization, specific heat, and thermal conductivity is presented using a combination of numerical methods. In addition, the original S=1 model is mapped into the low-energy effective S=1/2 XXZ Heisenberg chain, a model which is exactly solvable using the Bethe ansatz technique. The effectiveness of the mapping is explored, and we show that all considered quantities are in qualitative, and in some cases quantitative, agreement. The thermal conductivity of the considered S=1 model is found to be strongly influenced by the underlying effective description. Furthermore, we elucidate the low-lying electron spin resonance spectrum, based on a semi--analytical Bethe ansatz calculation of the effective S=1/2 model.
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7. | Magnetic excitations in the spin-1 anisotropic antiferromagnet NiCl_2-4SC(NH2)_2 |
Christina Psaroudaki, S. A. Zvyagin, J. Krzystek, A. Paduan-Filho, Xenophon Zotos, and Nikos Papanicolaou. Phys. Rev. B 85, 014412 (2012)
The spin-1 anisotropic antiferromagnet NiCl_2-4SC(NH2)_2 exhibits a field-induced quantum phase transition that is formally analogous to Bose-Einstein condensation. Here we present results of systematic high-field electron spin resonance (ESR) experimental and theoretical studies of this compound with a special emphasis on single-ion two-magnon bound states. In order to clarify some remaining discrepancies between theory and experiment, the frequency-field dependence of magnetic excitations in this material is reanalyzed. In particular, a more comprehensive interpretation of the experimental signature of single-ion two-magnon bound states is shown to be fully consistent with theoretical results. We also clarify the structure of the ESR spectrum in the so-called intermediate phase.
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8. | Oscillations of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a rapidly contracting circular box |
StavrosTheodorakis and Christina Psaroudaki. Physics Letters A 373, 441 (2009)
A Bose-Einstein condensate will evolve almost adiabatically if the number of atoms is large enough, even though the trap parameters may be changing rapidly. We demonstrate this by examining a Bose-Einstein condensate in a two-dimensional rapidly contracting circular box. We show that as a result of the contraction the condensate will oscillate about the instantaneous ground state. These oscillations will be small though when the number of atoms is large. Approximate analytic expressions are found for the evolving condensate wavefunction, both before and after the contraction has begun.