Condensed Matter Theory   Universität Basel
Dr. Jörg Lehmann

Informationen zu den Linux-Rechnern


Leider sind die Informationen zum Drucksystem momentan nur auf Englisch vorhanden.

We use CUPS as printing system for our Linux-PCs. In the following, some helpful hints concerning the use of this printing system are gathered.

First of all, there exits a web interface to CUPS, which may easily be accessed via any browser under the URL:

There one may, for instance, obtain a list of all available printers/queues and of the presently queued jobs.

Of course, a command line interface is also present: To show the list of all printers, one may use

$ lpstat -a

and the queued jobs for a printer with name "printername" may be obtained by

$ lpq -Pprintername

Printing of a file named "file" is done via

$ lpr -Pprintername file

and cancelling of a queued job is possible with

$ lprm -Pprintername jobID

where the jobId can be obtained with help of the lpq command. Note: lprm without any parameters cancels the current job on the default printer, which is exactly what one wants in the generic case...

On our Linux systems, there is also a graphical utility for printing named kprinter. Just use

$ kprinter file

Last but not least, the list of currently available printers/queues looks as follows:

Printer Comment
mark2 b/w double sided printing on the Lexmark printer (default)
mark b/w double sided printing on the old Lexmark printer (room 471)
mark_s b/w single sided printing on the old Lexmark printer (room 471)
mark_f b/w printing on transparencies on the old Lexmark printer (room 471)
colourtp1colour printing on the HP printer
colourtp1_fcolour printing on transparencies on the HP printer
epson colour printing on the Epson printer
epson_f colour printing on transparencies on the Epson printer
epson_a3 colour printing on A3 paper on the Epson printer


Am Rechner 'zeno' (Computerraum Theoretische Physik I) ist ein Scanner angeschlossen. Als Programm zum Scannen und zur Bildbearbeitung kann zum Beispiel 'GIMP' verwendet werden. Falls es Probleme mit dem Scanner geben sollte (falls z.B. die Meldung: 'unknown device' erscheint) muß man in einer Konsole den Befehl 'resetscanner' eingeben, um den Scanner neu zu initialisieren. Eine kurze Beschreibung zum Scannen befindet sich bei dem Scanner.


Vor dem Brennen sollte jeder Benutzer in /home/ltmp ein Unterverzeichnis mit dem Namen seiner Benutzerkennung anlegen (im folgenden uid genannt). In dieses Verzeichnis werden die zu brennenden Dateien gelegt. Gebrannt wird dann mit

$ addsession uid

Lokales temporäres Verzeichnis (/home/ltmp)

Diese Information ist momentan nur in Englisch verfügbar!

The preferred place for the storage of user data is the DFS home directory. Please contact Ralf Utermann, if you need more disk quota. On each PC, there also exists a local temporary directory /home/ltmp, where you may store additional data. But please keep in mind that the contents of this directory are not backuped. Moreover, they may be deleted by the system administrator at any time without further notice!

If you still want to use /home/ltmp, please place your files in a sub directory whose name has to be your user id.

[Uni Basel] [Department of Physics and Astronomy] [Condensed Matter Theory]
last updated on 2006/05/05 by Jörg Lehmann